
Version 2 (modified by awagner, 15 years ago) (diff)


WebReview Graph

With source:/trunk/WebReview/code/chrome/skin/toolbar_button_graph_large.png WebReview Graph you can remind yourself on visited pages, how you reached them, and which other pages you visited in that context. WebReview Graph was designed to show you every visited page of any browsing session in your history of Firefox.

It eleminates the so called back-forward-problem: If you click on a link on a page A, you get to page B. If you then use the "Back" button of the browser to get back to page A, and there click on another link that brings you to page C, page B is lost. You can't reach it anymore through the "Back" and "Forward" buttons of the browser. This is not a Firefox specific problem, it appears on every browser.

WebReview shows you every branch with all visited pages of your browsing session, no matter how often you have gone back or forward, or which link you clicked on.

You can add a button with the icon source:/trunk/WebReview/code/chrome/skin/toolbar_button_graph_large.png to your toolbar from the toolbar palette for quicker access.

(click to enlarge)

Accessing the graph

There are several ways, to access the graph.

Browsing through the graph

Every page you visited within one browsin session is visualized as a node in the graph. You can easily browse through the graph by clicking on a node. The interface automatically moves the graph to the right position and shows you the subsequent pages you visited (if there are any).

Every node contains important information about that page at a glance. Besides the title of the page and the amount of visits you can see the domain that page belongs to below the thumbnail.


On the left side, there is an infobar that contains more information about the currently selected node. Besides the full title and a bigger screenhot you can see the amount of visits and DayVisits for that page.

There is also a listbox that shows you the current and all other sessions you visited this page in. Every entry in that listbox shows the date and time of that particular visit of the currently selected page. You can easily switch to another session in which you visited that page too by selected an entry from the list. As soon as you click on one entry, the new graph that belongs to that page is build.

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