= DragonTalk userobservation for Firefox = == Download the extension == the most rectent version of this extension is 1.1.201003021430 '''The extension has been developed for Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, it's currently mostly outdated.''' '''A new version compatible with Firefox 3.6 is available [wiki:DragonTalkFx here].''' == The following part describes the actions, methods and there parameters. == === Bookmark Events === BOOKMARK = "urn:mozilla:bookmarks:" [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventAddBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||bmURI||BOOKMARK + URI|| ||bmLocation||the URL of the bookmark|| ||bmName||the name of the bookmark|| ||bmFolder||the name folder in which the bookmark was created|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventRemoveBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||BMname||the name of the bookmark|| ||BMlocation||the URL of the bookmark|| ||BMURI||BOOKMARK + URI|| [[BR]] [[BR]] === Browser Events === [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateHome [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page (the page displayed before this methoed was called)|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventEndDocumentLoad [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the page which is now completely loaded|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateToURL [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the currently displayed URL|| ||toURI||the URL of the page to which the user is navigating now|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateClickURL [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||URL of the current page|| ||textContent||the text of the link on the current page|| ||link||the URL of the link, which was choosen by the user|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventOverLink [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| ||textContent||the text of the link|| ||link||the URL of the link, which raised the mouseOverEvent|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateToBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||toURI||the URL of the bookmark|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| ||bookmarkURI||the URI of the bookmark|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateBack [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||fromURI||the URL of the page displayed before navigate back|| ||toURI||the URL of the page navigate to|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateForward [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||fromURI||the URL of the page displayed before navigate forewared|| ||toURI||the URL of the page navigate to|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut ALT + leftARROW and via navigation button. [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateForward [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the page is loading, when the the stop button is pressed|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut ALT + rightARROW and via navigation button. [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserPrint [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut STRG + P and via File -> Print... [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventSubmitWebForm [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||buttonclicked||the name of the button, which was clicked to submit the WebForm|| ||form||the WebForm which was submited|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserReload [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the reloaded page|| '''Comment:''' F5 and Button [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserSwitchedToTab [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL loaded in the target tab||