= DragonTalk userobservation for Firefox = == Download the extension == click the link to download the xpi file the actual version of this extension is 1.1.20070709.1655 === Firefox 1.0.x === [http://dragontalk.opendfki.de/repos/trunk/dragontalk_userobs_firefox/build/dragentalk_userobs_firefox.xpi dragontalk_userobs_firefox.xpi] === Firefox 1.5 and 2.0 === [http://dragontalk.opendfki.de/repos/trunk/dragontalk_userobs_firefox/build/dragentalk_userobs_firefox-M1.5.xpi dragontalk_userobs_firefox.xpi] == The following part describes the actions, methods and there parameters. == All the functions are tested with firefox ~~ and~~ === Bookmark Events === BOOKMARK = "urn:mozilla:bookmarks:" [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventAddBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||bmURI||BOOKMARK + URI|| ||bmLocation||the URL of the bookmark|| ||bmName||the name of the bookmark|| ||bmFolder||the name folder in which the bookmark was created|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventRemoveBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||BMname||the name of the bookmark|| ||BMlocation||the URL of the bookmark|| ||BMURI||BOOKMARK + URI|| [[BR]] [[BR]] === Browser Events === [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateHome [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page (the page displayed before this methoed was called)|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventEndDocumentLoad [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the page which is now completely loaded|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateToURL [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the currently displayed URL|| ||toURI||the URL of the page to which the user is navigating now|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateClickURL [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||URL of the current page|| ||textContent||the text of the link on the current page|| ||link||the URL of the link, which was choosen by the user|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventOverLink [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| ||textContent||the text of the link|| ||link||the URL of the link, which raised the mouseOverEvent|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateToBookmark [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||toURI||the URL of the bookmark|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| ||bookmarkURI||the URI of the bookmark|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateBack [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||fromURI||the URL of the page displayed before navigate back|| ||toURI||the URL of the page navigate to|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateForward [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||fromURI||the URL of the page displayed before navigate forewared|| ||toURI||the URL of the page navigate to|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut ALT + leftARROW and via navigation button. [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserNavigateForward [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the page is loading, when the the stop button is pressed|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut ALT + rightARROW and via navigation button. [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserPrint [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the current page|| '''Comment:''' works by keyboard shortcut STRG + P and via File -> Print... [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventSubmitWebForm [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||buttonclicked||the name of the button, which was clicked to submit the WebForm|| ||form||the WebForm which was submited|| [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserReload [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL of the reloaded page|| '''Comment:''' F5 and Button [[BR]] '''Method:''' eventBrowserSwitchedToTab [[BR]] '''Parameters:''' ||'''Key'''||'''Value'''|| ||currentURI||the URL loaded in the target tab||